
By Jake D. Winfield in Dissertation Grant Resources

April 21, 2023

My dissertation, Hiding in plain sight: A QuantCrit, Intersectional Analysis of Dual Enrollment, applies critical race theory and critical quantitative analysis to dual enrollment. I also examine the importance of place - how one’s proximity to a highly accessible college may influence one’s ability to participate and then benefit from dual enrollment programs. I defended my dissertation in April 2023.

Here is a link to my dissertation and presentation for my dissertation defense.


Winfield, J. D. (2023, April 13-16). Hiding in plain sight: A QuantCrit, intersectional analysis of dual enrollment [Poster Presentation]. American Educational Research Association Annual meeting, Chicago, IL. https://aera23-aera.ipostersessions.com/?s=07-E4-A1-7D-C7-48-4A-E4-D5-00-E1-26-38-46-05-6F

Winfield, J. D. (2023, March 23-25). Shifting sands: An analysis of college access deserts from 2001 to 2019 [Paper Presentation]. Association for Education Finance & Policy Annual Conference, Denver, CO.

AERA-NSF Dissertation Fellowship

I was awarded an AERA-NSF Dissertation Fellowship for the 2022-23 academic year for my study. Below is information about that project.


I first applied in October 2021 and was not awarded a fellowship. After receiving my rejection in December, I made some very small revisions and resubmitted an application January 2022. In this second cycle I was awarded I fellowship. I am sharing both of my application materials below, in the spirit of other scholars including Alberto Guzman-Alvarez & Chris Bennett. This Twitter thread maintained by Chris Bennett contains other fellowship materials, particularly for the Spencer Dissertation Fellowship. My materials are by no means perfect, but instead may be a resource to future applicants. I’m also sharing both sets of materials to highlight that there are many qualified applicants and some degree of luck is required to receive a fellowship.

October 2021 Narrative

January 2022 Narrative Abstract & Contribution to the Field

Image Credit

The cover image for this project was created with Nicola Rennie’s aRt package available here.

Posted on:
April 21, 2023
2 minute read, 309 words
Dissertation Grant Resources
Dissertation College Access Dual Enrollment
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